Our first meeting, on the first Sunday on the return from the December break, was dedicated to establishing essential agreements. We agreed to abide by the following agreements:
We will ALL:
- Work together.
- Help others.
- Listen and respect each other.
- Respect each other’s reading choices.
- Arrive on time.
- Clean up after ourselves.
- Respect the books and library property.
That first meeting involved "a LOT of talking" in the words of one slightly disappointed council member, but the next 2 meetings made up for it.
In the 2 meetings we have had so far, we have:
- read new picture books, classified them by CAC Core Value and awarded a "Library Council Recommended" sticker each to a new picture book
- added letter shelf markers to the DVD collection
- moved the back issues of magazines to a highly visible display rack at the front of the library
We will be announcing the next library visitor, origami instructor Lidia Coronado from Venezuela, at tomorrow's assembly. Preparing announcements for assembly is a very popular activity among the library council members. Be sure to come to assemblies for a chance to seeing them shine!