Anyone with a CAC ID card can borrow from the library. ES students have library cards that they use during their library check out times to keep them from having to bring their school ID every week. They mostly check out from the ES library, but arrangements can be made to allow them to borrow from the MHS library.
What can I borrow from the library?
We have more than 25,000 items for you to check out. These include:
- fiction and non-fiction books
- ebooks
- DVDs
- magazines
- books on CD
- books in languages other than English
We also have a robust reference section with encyclopedias, atlases and dictionaries.
How often can I borrow from the library?
ES students come to the library once a week for checkout. Students in preK to grade 2 receive a weekly library lesson, during which they check out books. Students in grade 3 to 5 come for a weekly scheduled checkout session with their classroom teachers. Their lessons are flexibly scheduled to support classroom research projects.
Students and other patrons are welcome to come outside of their scheduled library times to check out, carry out class and personal research, get recommendations, or relax and read.
How many books can I check out?
You can check out up to 10 books at one time. ES students with overdue DVDs or books will only be allowed to check out 1 book until their account is cleared. We encourage students to check out 3 or 4 books at one time as books can get heavy.
When do I have to return my books?
Books are checked out for a two week period. DVDs are checked out for one week. Students can return their library materials on their scheduled library checkout day, but can also come in at other times during the week (before school, after school, during lunch recess) to return books and check out more.
What are the opening hours of the library?
We are open Sunday to Thursday, from 7:45 to 4. We are open most Saturdays, from 10 to 2. See our library calendar for Saturday opening dates.
Our library catalog and this blog are open 24/7.
Does the library have computers for checkout?
The library has 20 laptop computers. These can be used by a class for a classroom project, or individually by students. During the school day, we ask that students refrain from using the library computers for non-educational games or pastimes.
To which databases does the library subscribe?
We subscribe to many databases. You can see the list of databases along with links and login credentials by logging in to the library catalog using the CAC Quick Login or your CAC single sign-on. You can also see the list of databases (no passwords) from the school website. Click on Libraries from the drop down "Learning" menu.
What is a library book bag?
The library book bag is a cloth bag that students bring every time they come to the library for a scheduled checkout session. Bags can be purchased at the CAC Store, but students can also bring any cloth bag they have at home. Make sure it is sturdy and portable! No plastic bags please.
Why do we need a library bag?
Library bags help students transport books to and from school, help keep library materials organized and separate from other books at home, and protect library materials from wear and tear. Make bringing your library bag a part of your library routine. We have library bags that can be checked out like a book for students who occasionally forget. Any student borrowing a library bag more than 3 times in a semester will need to pay for it.
Do you send overdue notices?
All patrons - students, parents, teachers, associate members - receive overdue notices via email. Please help us serve other patrons by returning your library materials on time.
What if I lose a book or other library materials?
If a book or other library material is lost or damaged, the user will be charged the replacement cost. A 40% shipping/processing fee in included in the replacement cost.
What does a school librarian do?
At CAC, we are fortunate to have a qualified, experienced ES librarian. Her main role is to enhance student learning, and to that effect, she collaborates with classroom teachers to integrate information literacy skills to their classroom programs, leads library lessons on research skills when needed, guides the teacher assistants in the lessons they teach to students, and collects print and electronic resources for students and teachers.
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